List of REGULAR VERBS in English with pronunciation
Regular verbs in English are a piece of cake … you just have to add ‘-ed’ to the past form and the participle, right?
play | play+ed | play+ed |
Well, actually, the rule is not that easy … depending on the verb, and it will be formed one way or another.
Pronunciation of regular verbs (with ‘ed’) in English
But of course, that’s super easy… what really drives us crazy is learning to pronounce regular verbs correctly, but this, my friend, is only achieved with practice.
The pronunciation rule for regular verbs is actually quite simple, but when we are in the thick of it in the middle of a conversation in English is when all doubts assail us… how should the past tense of ‘work’ be pronounced? ‘? Workt or worked, workd or workid?
What I’m going to give you here are the pronunciation rules for regular verbs in the past and participle and a list of REGULAR VERBS in English including the pronunciation of ‘-ed’ that corresponds to it (t,d or id), but the dirty work of listening, learning and practising it is all yours;)
These are the three possible pronunciations of Regular Verbs in English:
You pronounce: | ‘ed’–> /t/ | ‘ed’–> /d/ | ‘ed’–> /id/ |
In words that end with: | Unvoiced sounds:
p, k, ch, sh, s, f, h y θ |
Voiced sounds:
Vowels y consonants b, g, z, v, m, n, l, r, w, j, ð |
‘t’ o ‘d’ |
Example | Dance /dɑːns/
Danced /dɑːnst/ |
Opened /ˈəʊpən /
Opened /ˈəʊpənd/ |
Paint /peɪnt/
Painted /ˈpeɪntɪd/ |
List of REGULAR VERBS in English with pronunciation:
Act | Acted | ˈæktɪd | id |
Add | Added | ˈædɪd | id |
Ask | Asked | ɑːskt | t |
Answer | Answered | ˈɑːnsəd | d |
Arrive | Arrived | əˈraɪvd | d |
Brush | Brushed | brʌʃt | t |
Belong | Belonged | bɪˈlɒŋd | d |
Beg | Begged | bɛgd | d |
Believe | Believed | bɪˈliːvd | d |
Close | Closed | kləʊzd | d |
Cook | Cooked | kʊkt | t |
Call | Called | kɔːld | d |
Change | Changed | ʧeɪnʤd | d |
Charge | Charged | ʧɑːʤd | d |
Clean | Cleaned | kliːnd | d |
Cry | Cried | kraɪd | d |
Dance | Danced | dɑːnst | t |
Dress | Dressed | drɛst | t |
Die | Died | daɪd | d |
Dry | Dried | draɪd | d |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | ɪnˈʤɔɪd | d |
Explain | Explained | ɪksˈpleɪnd | d |
Follow | Followed | ˈfɒləʊd | d |
Finish | Finished | ˈfɪnɪʃt | t |
Help | Helped | hɛlpt | t |
Hope | Hoped | həʊpt | t |
Happen | Happened | ˈhæpənd | d |
Imagine | Imagined | ɪˈmæʤɪnd | d |
Kiss | Kissed | kɪst | t |
Kill | Killed | kɪld | d |
Laugh | Laughed | lɑːft | t |
Like | Liked | laɪkt | t |
Look | Looked | lʊkt | t |
Miss | Missed | mɪst | t |
Marry | Married | ˈmærɪd | d |
Open | Opened | ˈəʊpənd | d |
Play | Played | pleɪd | d |
Prefer | Prefered | priˈfɜːd | d |
Promise | Promised | ˈprɒmɪst | t |
Repeat | Repeated | rɪˈpiːtɪd | id |
Rain | Rained | reɪnd | d |
Remember | Remembered | rɪˈmɛmbəd | d |
Smile | Smiled | smaɪld | d |
Study | Studied | ˈstʌdɪd | d |
Smoke | Smoked | sməʊkt | t |
Stop | Stopped | stɒpt | t |
Talk | Talked | tɔːkt | t |
Thank | Thanked | θæŋkt | t |
Touch | Touched | tʌʧt | t |
Use | Used | juːzd | d |
Visit | Visited | ˈvɪzɪtɪd | id |
Wait | Waited | ˈweɪtɪd | id |
Want | Wanted | ˈwɒntɪd | id |
Walk | Walked | wɔːkt | t |
Wash | Washed | wɒʃt | t |
Watch | Watched | wɒʧt | t |
Wish | Wished | wɪʃt | t |
Work | Worked | wɜːkt | t |