Object pronouns
Ya sabemos que el pronombre sujeto ‘Subject Pronoun’ (pronombre personal que funciona como sujeto) realiza la acción y siempre precede al verbo.
En los siguientes ejemplos, el Subject Pronoun (o pronombre sujeto) será: I, He y They
- I love dancing
- He has bought a car
- They eat bananas
Por otro lado, el ‘Object Pronoun’ (pronombre personal que funciona como complemento) recibe la acción y siempre irá detrás del verbo.
Cómo se forma
Subject Pronoun + Verbo + Object Pronoun
I (Yo) | me (a mí) |
You (Tú) | you (a ti) |
He (Él) | him (a él) |
She (Ella) | her (a ella) |
It (Eso) | it (eso) |
We (Nosotros) | us (a nosotros) |
You (Vosotros) | you (a vosotros) |
They (Ellos o Ellas) | them (a ellos o ellas) |
Cómo se utiliza
Como puedes ver, los pronombres personales en inglés se utilizan para sustituir la parte de la frase que ya es conocida, ya sea sujeto u objeto.
Recuerda que, a diferencia del español, el sujeto en inglés no se puede omitir (a menos que nos refiramos a las frases imperativas), así que los ‘Subject Pronouns’ se usan muy frecuentemente.
Otra diferencia con el español es que el ‘Object Pronoun’ siempre va detrás del verbo: “They have it”, mientras que en español suele ir delante “Ellos/as lo tienen”.
El ‘Object Pronoun’ también es el pronombre que sigue a las preposiciones: “You talk to them” (“vosotros habláis con ellos”).
Object Pronouns Exercises
(fuente Ginger)
- The teacher wants to talk to __________ about your homework.
- Him
- Her
- You
- Them
- The plate shattered when John dropped __________ on the floor.
- Him
- Her
- Them
- It
- Be careful; he lied to __________ before and he may do it again.
- Us
- It
- We
- They
- Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite __________?
- Us
- Them
- They
- Her
- The spider bit __________ on my ankle.
- You
- Me
- Her
- It
- I heard that Jeremy was cut from the team just because Tyler doesn’t like __________.
- Him
- Her
- It
- Them
- The bread is stale. You can feed __________ to the birds.
- Them
- It
- Him
- Her
- The movie was hilarious! We really liked __________.
- Him
- Them
- Her
- It
- C – Mary wants to talk to you about your homework.
- D – The plate shattered when John dropped it on the floor.
- A – Be careful; he lied to us before and he may do it again.
- B – Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite them?
- B – The spider bit me on my ankle.
- A – I heard that Jeremy was cut from the team just because Tyler doesn’t like him.
- B – The bread is stale. You can feed it to the birds
- D – The movie was hilarious! We really liked it.